Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1936 olympics

The 1936 Berlin Olympic Games had been handed to Berlin before the Nazis came to power but now it was the perfect opportunity for Hitler to demonstrate to the world, how efficient the Nazi Germany was. It was also the perfect opportunity for the Nazis to prove to the world the reality of the Master Race. The Berlin Olympic Games gave the Nazis an opportunity to show off to the world as 49 countries were competing bringing with them their assorted media. The Nazi Germany team had been allowed to train fulltime thus pushing to the limit the idea of amateur competition. Germany's athletic superstar of the time was Lutz Lang, a brilliant long jumper who easily fitted into the image. By far the most famous athlete in the world was Jesse Owens of America, an African American and therefore, under Nazi ideology, inferior to the athletes in the German team. The vast Olympic stadium was completed on time and held 100,000 spectators. 150 other new Olympic buildings were completed on time for the event. The anti-Semitic posters that had littered Germany before the games had disappeared. Signs that stated "Jews not welcome here" were not longer visible and anything was done to ensure that the Games went smoothly and caused no upset. In fact, the upset was caused in the stadium itself. The 'racially inferior' Owens won four gold medals; in the 100m, 200m, long jump and 4 x 100m relay. During the Games he broke 11 Olympic records and defeated Lutz Lang in a very close long jump final. Lang was the first to congratulate Owens when the long jump final was over. There were 10 African American members of the American athletics team. Between them they won 7 gold medals, 3 silvers and 3 bronze, more than any national team won in track and field at the Games, except America itself. Hitler refused to place the gold medal around Owen's neck.

The real question was why were the olypmics more about the politics than the joining of the wrold to play these great games. The 1936 Summer Olympics were controversial due to the Nazi regime that came to power after the city's selection. Adolf Hitler regarded it as his Olympics and he took them as a chance to show off the post-First World War Germany. In 1936, a number of prominent politicians and organizations called for a boycott of the 1936 Summer Olympics, which had been awarded to Germany before the Nazi regime came to power. The Popular Front government of Spain decided to boycott the games and organized the People's Olympiad as an altermative with labour and socialist groups around the world sending athletes to the effort. However the Spanish Civil War broke out just as the games were about to begin. The United States considered boycotting the games, but ultimately decided to participate. Nazi propaganda promoted concepts of "Aryan racial superiority," however African-American athlete Jesse Owens did not face segregation and discrimination in Germany that were normal in the United States at the time. So the big emphisis was on germany and the nazis more than the great games. The olypmics are for the world to come together as one and show off what they have to offer.


  1. i feel that the 1936 olympics should of never been held in germany because of what was going on. Hitler made the olympics bad and not fair. He was even rude enough not to place the gold medal around and african americans neck?

  2. I agree with Sidney. I think that the fairness of the Olympics was diminshed by Hitler. I'm surprised it was'nt just Germans aloud into the 1936 Olympics. Also, it's totally unsports man-like to not place a medal around someones neck.

  3. i agree with both of them. if Hitler wouldn't award an African American with the gold metal, then he shouldn't of let them in the competition in the first place.

  4. Jesse Owens is a great example of how the Germans were not the most superior race and that there were many more talented people in the Olympics besides his "Perfect Race". The fact that Hitler would not give out metals to the African Americans is absurd and African Americans today and made drastic and positive progress in our world.

  5. I agree with Mia, they should not have even been allowed to call it the Olympics, by not allowing medals to some people almost defeats the purpose of having the Olympics. They should have just held it in Germany and only allowed Natzis and Hitler worshipers to enter, since it was rigged and unfair in the first place.

  6. That's exactly my point julia. I am glad though that they staged this Olympics so the people of different races could show how talented they really are, whether or not they got the recognition.

  7. The 1936 Olympics seemed very hypicritical, how can a country hold a world contest and have "jews not welcome." the Olympics is about coming together as a world and competeing not segregation and racism.

  8. The Olympics of the summer of 1936 was a summer what shocked the world i think. Hilter got to show the world how he runs things and the power he has over this people. But when Jesse Owens won the gold metal and Hilter did not put it around his neck, i think everyone should of knowns that something was not right about him. I cant even believe he didnt have only germans in the final races so they could be the best in the world at everything.

  9. I believe that the Olympics of 1936 would have been more efficient and fair if the Nazis weren't involved. I feel that the Nazis viewed the olympics as not only a competition of athletic strength, but also a competition for power, and if they won it would somehow make them seem more intimidating to all of the other countries.

  10. Bottom line Hitler ruined the 1936 olympics. Katrina is right it wasn't just a competition and or game any more it was a fight for power and dominance.

  11. Remember, no one knew the Nazis were this evil organization at this point. This was about the economic recovery of Germany. The racial views were shared by many, even if they didn't share them out loud.
